The Housing Hub – ( – THH) is a website dedicated to supporting people with a disability to find a home they would like to live in and providing a place for housing providers to list properties. It addresses a huge gap in the market with mainstream housing search platforms providing very little information on accessibility features.
The sector landscape changed with the implementation of the NDIS when disability housing moved from a state managed welfare allocation model to a market driven approach with choice and control in the hands of people with a disability. In the past housing providers have not had to market their properties but must now do so to find tenants or to face costly vacancies. At the same time, people with a disability, including those in or at risk of entry to aged care, need a place to go to find housing that meets their needs.
The Housing Hub was developed in late 2017. It has been used by more than 35,000 people and currently has more than 350 property listings across Victoria, NSW, Queensland and South Australia. The plan is to take the platform to the next level, creating a true “matching” mechanism with new functionality that will allow housing seekers to set up a profile and to filter on the type of housing being sought, including location, supports and accessibility features. (Grant: $30,000)
The Summer Foundation
“People with disability have found it incredibly difficult to search for a home that has the features they need. As a result, people living with disability have been forced to move into places that wouldn’t be somewhere they chose. We have created to make the housing search process so much easier. It’s a website that lets you search for a new home with the accessibility features that are just right”.
Alecia Rathbone, General Manager, Housing Matching
The Arcare Family Foundation encourages and supports innovations that give all Australians the opportunity to age well, envisioning a community where older people are valued, supported, and thriving.
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